Compression therapy is thought to improve performance, reduce soreness after exercise, decrease swelling in some cases, and reduce the risk of blood clots.
Rapid Reboot - "Get the Pep Back in Your Step"
When you train, workout or just spend all day on your feet doing yard work, you build up lactic acid in your hips and legs, which means you're going to feel sore and tight. To give you quicker recovery, the Rapid Reboot uses pressure to reduce soreness and help keep your body mobile and ready to take on another game day. Think of it like a deep-tissue massage. The pressure is significant enough to mobilize lactic acid buildup, and improve the circulation of oxygen in the muscles so your downtime is shorter, and you aren't left feeling sore.
But the application of this unique technology goes even further. Anything that reduces circulation in our legs can be greatly helped by the Rapid Reboot . Things like:
Prolonged sitting
Extended traveling (Cars, planes, etc ... )
Restless Legs
Swollen legs, ankles and knees
Compression therapy is done by applying specially designed ‘garments’ to each leg, arm, and sometimes even the torso... Then the devices are turned on, and they reduce the compress, or tighten, reducing the diameter of major veins by increasing the volume and velocity of blood flow, they help blood flow up toward the heart, and they help prevent blood from refluxing downward to the foot or laterally into superficial veins.
Compression therapy improves blood circulation meaning more oxygen delivery to muscles resulting in increased performance and ability. In addition to these benefits, compression therapy is shown to prevent and minimize varicose and spider veins; reduce cellulite and tighten loose, sagging skin. Compression devices utilize sequential pulsing of compressed air that massages, mobilizes fluid and evacuates lactic acid, inflammation, fat and other byproducts from exercise. The system we’ve selected uses three techniques to facilitate this process; pulsing, gradients and distal release.
Individuals most benefited by this modality include those with lymphedema, poor circulation and/or diabetes, venous insufficiency, edema of any kind, post-operative swelling and inflammation, risk for deep vein thrombosis and embolism, with contusions and other injuries, looking to accelerate recovery, and those with chronic, non-healing wounds and/or cellulitis.